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From: Perth
12 total posts
Currently suffering :(
Just wondering if any one else finds stress can trigger attatcks ? Been going through a fairly bad run for about 3 weeks or more having a couple attatcks each night and early mornings also had some really bad attacks durring the day lasting around 3 hours or more . The only thing that has changed recently is my work has become way
more stress full . Does any one else find that get depression symptoms durring long cluster periods ?
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From: Melbourne/East Bentleigh
27 total posts
Not currently suffering :D
Hi Kirkulles‚

Yes I find stress tiggers my CH however it not the only reason - I found it started with my sleep patterns and cycles - the more stress I get the less sleep I get and therefore more chance my CH comes back.

I have been looking on the web as of late and come across Melatonin

Check out the below link - interesting reading.

Next time I my CH starts I will be talking to my Nero about this - see what they have to say - Melatonin is ment to help one sleep - it used for jet lag.

Stay save and hang in there.



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