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From: Narara
4 total posts
Currently suffering :(
Hi, I have just discovered this site. I have suffered for 24 years, but never did much about it because I am so good at forgetting these headaches because when I got one I would habitually put myself in another place as a means of tring to counteract the pain. Up until now I have just taken analgeiscs which always took ages to work, but I have probably really just waited the headaches out. Now, the headaches are lasting longer and longer. Wondered what the most common CH medication is and if there are any good specialists in Sydney? Sorry to be such a beginner on all this.
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765 total posts
Currently suffering :(
Hi and welcome
No need to apologise--we were all beginners. I understand what you mean about putting yourself in another place. It sounds now what you need to do is have a read of the information on the left to get a bit of an understanding of what CH are all about and the general medications that are available. You will find the link to some practitioners in NSW on the left.
The main thing you need to do is first of all of course it to make sure you indeed do have CHeadaches. A clear diagnosis from a medico.
The best advice we give all members to the site is to become knowledgeable about CHs. That can only be achieved by reading. For instance unless you read about O2 treatment how would you know how much it has helped so many people.
Find yourself first of all a good GP that can help you -- it might take a while to get into a neurologist or into a pain management specialist. You will soon know if the GP is up on it with CH knowledge if you have already read up on it yourself. You should come away with at least something for the pain--an abortive medication ie imigran or relpax and maybe something as a prophylactic medication (refer to the medication link on the left).
Make sure you ask your dr what your are taking the meds for etc etc.
We are not Drs or professionals (SEE THE DISCLAIMER BELOW), but hope we can offer you at least some help.
So--diagnosis first! Read up etc.
Good luck
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From: Narara
4 total posts
Currently suffering :(

Thank very much for all your help. I will do all of these things,

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