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Comorbidity in Cluster Headache

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10 total posts
Currently suffering :(
There is much research that links cluster headache sufferers with an increased rate of mental illnesses, particularly depression, however I was just wondering what else other sufferers tend to experience in conjunction with their cluster headaches, whether it seems relevant or not.

So far, I have been diagnosed (in chronological order) with major depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, cluster headache and just recently, ADHD (which has a relatively high comorbidity with other mental illnesses, OCD being one of the disorders listed).

I'm not suggesting any link between the conditions of CH and other cognitive disorders in my case, but it's just interesting to see if CH tends to occur on it's own for many people, or in combination with other things.

Plus, I am procrastinating for an ultrasound exam icon

What are your experiences?

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From: Echuca
90 total posts
Not currently suffering :D
Hi Red

I have not had any other medical issues including depression
The only issue I have had other than weight gain through the meds i take is when in cycle UI have suffered from a seriously elevated blood pressure but it drops back to about 120/70 within a week of a cyccle ending
I have often used this as a measure to tell me when I'm actually over a cycle as opposed to the drugs doing there job.
If my relief is drug induced then the blood pressure stays high

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Farmer Pete

From: Neerim South
17 total posts
Currently suffering :(
Hi there Red,

I have been diagnosed with major depression 11 years ago. This was nearly 20 years after my first bout of CH. Interesting that the research indicates that there appears to be some correlation between mental illness and CH. Do you have any links to the research on this?


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From: Dalby
158 total posts
Not currently suffering :D
Hi guys

I'm not real sure about a link between CH and a predisposition to mental illness.

Any chronic illness, especially one such as CH which causes a great deal of pain AND is largely misunderstood by society at large ("ye I get headaches like that, but I just pull myself together and get on with it....." etc etc) is bound to cause feelings of frustration, helplessness, why me?, what's wrong with me? etc which could trigger a depressive state.

Many years ago, a particular personality type was suggested as being link with CH -
Graham (1972) cited in Lance J & Goadsby P Mechanism and Management of Headache -suggested CH sufferers were "a hard drinking and hard smoking lot, ambitious and hard working, the prototype aggressive executive male type ... which conceals feelings of guilt, inadequacy and dependancy which shows itself in brief episodes of hysterical behaviour during a CH attack....". The same bloke also suggested a particular set of physical characteristics - apparantly we all look like lions!!!

Thankfully, numerous more recent studies have shown the above to be nothing but BS. CH suffers come from all different walks of life, with our personalities being as diverse and varied as our CH attacks.

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From: Dalby
158 total posts
Not currently suffering :D
Hi Chris
My BP goes up during a CH and stays elevated for an hour or so afterwards before dropping down to normal. Interestingly, the high BP plus the headpain once saw me investigated for having a stroke...
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