13 Sep, 2012 - 3:13 pm |
I finally got into see the Neuro back in July and she said without a doubt they are clusters... I have suffered the same type of "headache" since I was 19/20, I am 26 now.
It has always been the same type of pain; intense pain on the right side back of my neck, blinding pain just above my right eye, block right side nostril and sometimes my right eye is watery and feels droopy.
This month I have had 6 attacks; last month 11, July I had 17, June 12 attacks and so on, the thing that makes me unsure is that my attacks can last the whole day and not in short spurts or several times a day, at the most I have two attacks in one day.
I can handle the intense pain above my eye but its the neck pain that is unbearable, its hard to explain the pain in my neck, but its like something in my neck just squeezing my muscles and tendons.
The only things that seem to get rid of the pain is Relpax 80mg and Endone 5mg. My Neuro put me on Verapamil 180mg once a day.
This week has been unbearable on Monday it took 3 Relpax and 2 Endone to disperse the pain, only to come back the next morning.
On Tuesday my reg GP put me on Endep 10mg - 30mg. I have been in hospital endless times only to get Morphine, great at first but wears off after 2 or so hours.
The pill combo I am on at the moment seems to be the best, not going to list the other endless drugs I have tried, I am beyond depressed and so scared that the headaches are getting worse and worse and there is nothing out there that will help me.
I am considering Botox, at this point I am willing to try anything.
I feel so alone and my poor partner deserves so much better and to have a happy, fun loving girlfriend. Sorry this post is so long, I have so many questions and so much to say, just wondering if there is anyone out there that can help me? This post was edited on 15/09/2012 at 11:47 am
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