Hi heather
your explaination makes perfect sense to me. Either way i wont be doing any intense excercise for a long time... looks like its just walking and weights for me
too scared lol
Yes that is my daughter... she is 3.5 years old and my youngest daughter is almost 4months.
It has been very hard at times but ive noticed the severity of my attacks hasnt been as bad since having my two girls, which i really hope to god that is not coincidental.... Before having my first i was a smoker and a social drinker but having the girls, I havent had a cigarette for over 5 years and dont drink very often so this could definately be the reason they have decreased in severity...
Some days its so hard... have to get up and feed my 4month old whilst having an attack has been hell and Im so damn tired. (im currently breastfeeding so hubby cant help- the breastfeeding assosciation of australia has said that immigran nasal spray is ok during breastfeeding so that is a godsent)... it is hard to cope, but im a tough cookie, so im just hoping since its been over 10 weeks they have begun (this time around) they will shortly vanish (hopefully to never return this time - i can only dream). i have only had a few severe headaches this time around that have left me on the floor in agony, crying and hitting the wall, so must look at that as a positive.
I have always taken the Immigran nasal spray along with cold packs and these seem to work quite well for a lot of the time... except at the very peak of the cluster, then nothing seems to work at all. i have not been able to take preventatives due to the pregancy and luckily did not have a cluster during either pregnancy but will go to a new neurologist soon to see what prevenatives i should take. i am also thinking of trying the oxygen again as everyone on the site seems to swear by it , but it did not work for me, when i tried it about 7 years go.
thanks for your advice and support... its so lovely to be able to share and have people who truly understand...