Cluster Headache Diaries
Cluster Headache Intensity Scale
- Slight twinge of the CH type of pain. Shadows.
- Normal headache type of intensity. Annoying, but life is still beautiful.
- Shadows are getting constant but can deal with it.
- Higher level of pain than normal headache. Interferes with normal life.
- Starting to get bad, want to be left alone to deal with it.
- Need to pace and move and drive your fist into your temple.
- Major non-stop pain, left feeling exhausted after it finally leaves.
- Immense paid, time to yell, bang head, rock, whatever works. Fear that it won't stop.
- The "Why me?" syndrome starts to set in.
- Screaming, head banging. Hospital trip. Depressed. Suicidal.
Public diarys ordered by most recently active - Click a member's name to view their Cluster Diary.
shrek_2226's CH attack diary
shrek_2226's Profile
Tuesday 20 September, 2011: 05:30pm - 07:15pm
10 |
The absolute worst headache I've had all year. Thank God it's over. I collapsed in the kitchen minutes after my Mum arrived home and grabbed 2x Neurofen Zavance and a cold-pack from the fridge. After 15 minutes on the kitchen floor I moved to my bedroom and just yelled into my pillow for the next two hours. Pacing, wanting to punch the wall in. Extreme anger, frustration, just excruciating pain.
2 hours and 15 minutes later at 7:15pm I suffered from a shadow headache until around 9:00pm. I slept - feeling exhausted after the catastrophic event I just underwent.
Tuesday 20 September, 2011: 01:15pm - 02:20pm
6 |
Working on computer. Had to go to bed and sit down.
Tuesday 20 September, 2011: 08:30am - 09:15am
2 |
Aborted with 2x Neurofen Zavance - it worked.
Monday 19 September, 2011: 02:00pm - 04:00pm
9 |
Major pain, excruciating. Unable to sit still. Shut my bedroom door and screamed. Lying down made it worse. Suicidal thoughts.
Serious shadow for rest of day
Monday 19 September, 2011: 07:00am - 08:30am
8 |
Woke up again after 2 hours. Same pain, no relief.
Monday 19 September, 2011: 02:15am - 05:00am
8 |
Major pain. Nothing to relieve it with. Woke me up.
Sunday 18 September, 2011: 01:00am - 03:00am
8 |
Excruciatingly painful and long. Kept me up most of the night. Major shadow headache afterwards.
Thursday 15 September, 2011: 09:30pm - 10:40pm
8 |
My God this one is hurting big-time! In bed, can hear tv on downstairs and it's making me furious. Second one today. Abortive methods did fuck all. Today has been shit. I'd do anything for a shot of morphine! Anger, tears, frustration. Worst in a long time. Leave me alone you son of a bitch! Incapable of leaving my room in fear I'll snap at someone. Need to be alone. I'm calling neurologist tomorrow for an urgent appointment - willing to spend time in hospital.
Thursday 15 September, 2011: 02:00pm - 02:50pm
3 |
At computer doing work - hit me extremely quickly. No appropriate medication available (out of stock). Short headache, minimal pain but classic symptoms of C/H including very watery right eye and runny right nostril. No shadow headache. Possible sign of worse things to come?
Tuesday 13 September, 2011: 04:00pm - 05:15pm
5 |
Woke up after another afternoon sleep (still withdrawing from Xanax and I'm using Valium as a substitute to prevent seizures) to a level 5 cluster. I was in rather a deep sleep and although I knew I should have raced down to the kitchen to get my medication I made the mistake of leaving it for 5 minutes to see if it was going to go by itself - big mistake!
4:00pm - Headache Began 5/10
4:10pm - Abortive Treatment (2x Neurofan Zavance + 1x Coke + 2x Cigarettes)
4:30pm - Headache easing to 4/10
5:15pm - Headache free with no shadow.
Monday 12 September, 2011: 05:00pm - 06:15pm
6 |
Quite a serious cluster. Abortive action didn't work. Thankfully it was quick and I suffered no shadow headache afterwards. Headaches seem to be increasing in pain level. I was woken up in the middle of an afternoon sleep at 5:00pm as I'd stayed up the night before.
Sunday 11 September, 2011: 04:00pm - 04:30pm
3 |
Immediately took abortive action - 2x Neurofen Zavance, 2x Cigarettes and a can of coke. Fortunately it worked and suffered minimal pain for 30 minutes with no shadow.
Friday 09 September, 2011: 05:20pm - 06:00pm
1 |
I felt a "threat" coming on - not good. Immediately took action.
- 1x Xanax 2mg
- 1x Valium 5mg
- 1x 375ml Coke
By 6:00pm pain had subsided with no shadow. Generally indicative of a second headache within the next 12 hours. I'm praying this is not the case.
Thursday 08 September, 2011: 02:00pm - 02:40pm
4 |
As I was awake and actively working during the initial stages I could quickly act and took:
- 1x Xanax 2mg
- 1x Valium 5mg
- 1x 375ml Coke
- 2 x Cigarettes
All within 5 minutes of the initial warning sign. The abortion methods worked well limiting my attack to 4/10 and lasting only 40 minutes. Thank you God.
Wednesday 07 September, 2011: 03:00am - 04:00am
7 |
Initially attempted aborting headache by taking 2x Neurofen Zavance, 2x cans of coke and multiple cigarettes. Nothing worked. Whilst it was 3:00am I couldn't for a second bare the thought of lying down. I paced around the backyard smoking and cursing. Thank God it was only an hour. I was left with no shadow headache which is uncommon for me and a welcome surprise. I was able to go back to bed at 4:00am and sleep.
Tuesday 06 September, 2011: 02:40pm - 03:30pm
6 |
Onset: 2 minutes
Pain: 6/10
Abortive: 1x Coke + 2x Neurofen Zavance + 2x Cigarettes and Relaxation